Full Income Report

Our Full Income reporting features help you make informed financial and management decisions and guide the growth of your practice.

Our system uses the information routinely entered about clients and payments to display practice-wide statistics data in real time. Overdue payments are automatically flagged for aging accounts and comparing income from diverse locations, diagnoses, and insurance carriers can happen all in one screen! Quarterly income reports, which can be filtered by date range, are also available.

Within the Article:

At the bottom right corner of the top section, you have two options:

filter_alt Filter

Filter the Full Income Report by:
πŸ‘₯ Therapists (can select multiple) πŸ“„ POS Code
🏒 Locations (can select multiple) πŸŽ₯ Telehealth
πŸ•‘ Date Range

Select your filters first, then click the button.

print Print

You can also click for a printout of this complete report.

Charges and Discounts

Clicking the Charges and Discounts title takes you to a filtered screen, outlining net charges:

Date of Service details, along with other columns such as CPT, Charge Amount, and Insurance information also appear

Insurance Income

Clicking the Insurance Income title takes you to a filtered screen, defining the insurance payment category. Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) and Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs) will appear within the filtered table.

Client Income

  • Clicking Client Income takes you to the filtered screen, displaying client payments & refunds.
  • Clicking on the date of service reveals more specific payment distribution details related to the client-specific payment.
  • Here is also where that specific payment & distribution information can be edited or refunded.
⚠️ Note: When in a payment, the button takes you to the clients overall billing screen. To navigate back to the overall page, use your browser's back button.

Total Income

Clicking Total Income combines in the report:
  • Patient Payments/Refunds
  • Insurance Payments
 And reveals totals:

Additional Sections

The Full Income Report provides additional details that include:

  • A Calculator - calculate a percentage from a total to determine income results
  • Patient Income by Timeframe - payments based upon Time of Service, Prepayment and Afterservice
  • Patient Income by Type - cash, check, credit card, external card payments, as well as refunds issued by the same methods
  • Discount and Adjustment Details - includes adjustments, write-offs, probono work, insurance, and miscellaneous credits
  • Breakdown of Charges and Credits by Code and Fee -  includes columns for procedures, units, charge totals, and any credits applied