Transferring Patients to another Provider in a Practice

If you have a client who needs to be seen by another therapist in your group, you can ‘share’ the demographic data and your session notes with another clinician without having to re-enter the patient. 

When a provider is added to a group, we ask the question ‘who owns the records’. There are two options to that question: (1) ‘the group is the owner’ or (2) ‘the provider owns the records’. 

If the group is the owner of the records this provider produces,  then the following applies: 

Roles who can share the record in this case:

  • Therapist (Provider) who is currently treating the client
  • The Owner
  • The Manager


  • Log in with your username and password. 
  • If you are the Therapist, go to ‘My Clients’. If you are the practice Owner or Manager, go to ‘All Clients’. 
  • Choose the client from the list, and go to their ‘Records’ Tab.
  • Scroll to ‘Chart Sharing’.
  • Choose the therapist’s name who you will be sharing with and click the ‘Share' Button. 
  • Review the screen and decide if private notes will or will not be shared. By default, the private notes are not shared. 
  • Activate by selecting ‘Share’.
    • You should see a resulting banner at the top of the screen stating “Chart sharing has been activated” in confirmation. 

If you wish to End Sharing notes with another provider, repeat the process but choose . A green banner with confirmation will appear at the top of the screen.

If the Therapist (provider) owns their patient records, then the following applies: 

Roles who can share the record in this case: 

  • Therapist (Provider) who is currently treating the client.


  • Log in with your username and password. 
  • Go to ‘My Clients’. 
  • Choose the client from the list, and go to their ‘Records’ Tab.
  • Scroll to ‘Chart Sharing’.
  • Choose the therapist’s name who you will be sharing with and click the ‘Share' Button. 
  • Review the screen and decide if private notes will or will not be shared. By default, the private notes are not shared. 
  • Activate Sharing. 

If you wish to End Sharing notes with another provider, repeat the process but choose .