Report A Concern
Before filing a complaint with TherapyAppointment, please read all the information below to ensure your complaint is received by the appropriate party.
You have the right to register a complaint with TherapyAppointment if you feel that TherapyAppointment has violated the privacy or security of health or other confidential information. TherapyAppointment will not retaliate against any party for filing a complaint.
- If you are a provider and feel that your account or a patient account has been breached or have concerns about the security and/or privacy of your account or a patient account, please write to us immediately. It is part of your shared responsibility with us to contact us as soon as you suspect that your information has been compromised.
- If you are a patient and you have concerns about the security and/or privacy of your information, please contact your provider immediately. You can also submit a complaint to TherapyAppointment directly.
Submitting a Complaint to TherapyAppointment
Privacy complaints to TherapyAppointment must:
- Be submitted in writing.
- Name the subject of the complaint and describe the acts or omissions believed to be in violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
To submit a HIPAA privacy complaint to TherapyAppointment, please use one of the following methods
pin_drop Address:
176 Mine Lake Court #100
Raleigh, NC 27615
send Email:
TherapyAppointment Investigation and Reporting
TherapyAppointment will respond to all written privacy complaints within 2 business days to acknowledge receipt and either resolve or notify that further action is needed. If needed, investigation will begin upon confirmation that further action is needed. Investigation of security and privacy complaints is conducted by our Security and Engineering teams.
You will be kept informed of those investigations based upon the information you provide for us.
There may be times that, for legal reasons, we cannot give specifics of the investigation.
All claims, investigations, and resolutions will be documented by the TherapyAppointment Privacy Officer. If a policy or regulatory violation is found, the Privacy Officer will consult with the compliance and executive teams, as appropriate, to determine whether patient, OCR, or media notification is required. Violations that meet the definition of breach under HIPAA/HITECH will be reported to OCR, as required.
A final written response will be provided to the individual filing the complaint within sixty (60) days of receiving such complaint. In some cases, an additional extension of up to sixty (60) days may be necessary to complete the investigation.
Filing a Privacy Complaint with HHS
Complaints may be filed directly with the Secretary of HHS. Such complaints must be in writing, identify the Business Associate or Covered Entity, and must describe the violation. Information regarding filing a complaint with HHS can be found here.
All privacy complaints must be filed within 180 days of when the complainant knew that the act, omission, or incident occurred. The 180-day filing period may be extended if the complainant can show “good cause”.