Records Access In Cases of Death, Disability, or Disaster


This policy has been established to outline standards for TherapyAppointment to assist therapist customers in preparation and execution of continuity of care for their patients in the case of practitioner death or incapacitation as it pertains to the patient data that is maintained in the TherapyAppointment system.


This policy applies to all therapist customers that utilize the TherapyAppointment software and to all patient records maintained in the TherapyAppointment system.


In order to allow access to a practitioner’s records in the case of that practitioner’s death or incapacitation, TherapyAppointment requires proof of authorization.

Each practice is responsible for establishing a standard process for authorizing access to practitioner records. TherapyAppointment shall establish a process to collect and respond to requests for access that are accompanied by proof of authorization.

Our primary means of ensuring continuity of care is to encourage our customers to have a "practice will" that contains a plan for continuity of care and record management. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to establish a clear transition plan for their records prior to any need for emergency access.

In the event of the death or incapacitation of a therapist customer, the records custodian assuming responsibility of the records must contact TherapyAppointment as soon as possible. TherapyAppointment will work to ensure continuity of care for the therapist’s patients.

If you have any questions as to what should be included in a practice will, please consult a legal expert.

If the records custodian provides documentation proving that they have legal rights to the records, the applicable records will be made accessible to the designated records custodian on a temporary basis to allow for export and transition. TherapyAppointment shall establish and communicate a defined termination date for this temporary access.

Are you a custodian who needs access to another providers records?

Please reach out to support so we can assist mail