Change of Practice Account Ownership Policy


TherapyAppointment’s Change of Practice Account Ownership Policy is designed to ensure the integrity of your account information and prevent unauthorized access by third parties. 


A request to transfer the Practice Owner account within the TherapyAppointment application must be initiated by the current designated practice owner or a representative legally authorized to make decisions on behalf of the designated practice owner. 

Any request for a transfer of ownership must be made in writing through the customer support portal here: link TherapyAppointment Support Center (click the bottom right ? mark). The request must be made from the email address on record for the practice account owner.  

Practice account ownership should only be transferred to a representative of the practice who has legal authority to bind the organization to legal agreements. 

TherapyAppointment requires completion of an identity verification process for both the current designated practice account owner and the designated incoming practice account owner prior to authorizing a transfer of the practice owner account. 

The incoming practice account owner must have an account established in the practice’s TherapyAppointment account prior to initiating the transfer. 

After the ownership transfer is completed, the new practice account owner will assume the responsibilities of accepting all legal agreements and contracts for the practice in the TherapyAppointment application.

Account Ownership Dispute

Disputes over the ownership of accounts may sometimes arise between or among multiple parties. TherapyAppointment is not in a position to determine account ownership or resolve ownership disputes. It is the responsibility of the Customer to resolve any such disputes and make clear to TherapyAppointment who the owner of the account is in a manner which relieves TherapyAppointment of all liability or obligations concerning the dispute.