External Agent Access to Your Account

account_circle This article is intended for:

  • Practice Owners
  • Managers
  • or Independent Therapists
That are sharing office staff that need access to multiple groups in our system.

help What:

TherapyAppointment offers a no charge special account type for Ancillary Companies who manage the administrative and billing aspects of multiple practices using TherapyAppointment as their software.

Some examples are:

  • Front Office Staff for a group of independent providers who share office space
  • Professional Billing and Practice Management Companies who work remotely

If the group practice is a "true" group (i.e. an incorporated group practice with its own Tax ID or EIN) - this type of account is not necessary and a normal staff account may be used instead by an employee of the group (article here). In this situation, a signed BAA is not necessary under HIPAA.

If you would like to provide instructions to your external agent about how to set up their account, have them follow the instructions from this article.

Once they have an External Agent account set up with TherapyAppointment for them, they will ask you to connect with them.

We think this is best done with a phone call or online meeting. 

The process they will ask you to do is the following. Go to:

  • Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Click Staff (top tab)
  • Then click (top right):

From here:

1. Contact Your Agent

  • Contact your External Agent if you’re not already on the phone with them
  • Click

2. Enter Agent Codes

  • Enter both the Token (letters) and Code (numbers) they give you
  • Then click

3. Complete Setup

  • Click the highlighted below:

  • This will take you to the Roles selection screen
  • Turn on each role needed for your external agent, article: Manage Staff Roles

🎉 Congratulations! You've successfully connected your external agent to your group.

check_circle Tips:

Provide the external agent with a Manager role if:
  • Their role involves assisting setting up the group, group preference, managing insurance settings and CPT codes for example (but not limited to)
  • There is also a reporting sub role if they need access to reports (including financial) as well
  • Article: Provider Account Types and Privileges
If their role is less extensive, the Scheduler and/or Biller role may be all the access they need

End Access for External Biller / Agent

If you end services with this agent, be sure and remove their privilege to access your account by going to:

  • Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Click Staff (top tab)
  • Under the section External Agents find the agent
  • Click their name, loading their staff profile
  • Under the section Roles click (top right):