Printing Claims - Alignment

Aligning printed claims is an important task to ensure your claims get processed by your credentialed insurance company without delay! Get paid quicker with our billing experts.

While most are able to print without any adjustments, some printers may need some alignment adjustments due to various margins and inconsistent spacing . As all us of are painfully aware, printers can be unpredictable! This article reviews making those adjustments.

To reduce the likelihood that a claim is rejected, we strongly recommend printing on pre-printed red CMS-1500 form: meaning we just print the text on the already insurrance accepted printed red form.

In this Article:

Adjust Printing Alignment

In order to print the test alignment, we need to go to a printable claim first to make those adjustments..

To do so:

  • Click attach_money Billing (left menu)
  • Find the Claim Actions section (top left) showing you all your pending claim to submit
  • Click the section Print # primary claims

  • Listed all are paper claims ready to print


  • Before printing or downloading a claim, you'll want to make sure it's properly aligned first
Helpful hint: We automatically save your alignment. Set it once and forget it!
  • To the far right of any claim listed, click View

  • Then click (top right):

Here we display the adjustments you can make:

How Margin Adjustments work:

  • By default, we start at the top left corner
  • We measure adjustments by pixels for exact precision
  • The default is 0px by 0px, and most printers should be close to that alignment
  • You can make adjustments from the top, pushing the form down
  • Or make adjustments from the left, pushing the form to the right

  • From the default, this printout will go down 20 pixels and to the right 10 pixels:

Visual Breakdown:

Click to see a larger version
  • To test your alignment, click the button (top right)

While test printing:

  • We strongly suggest printing on a cheaper blank piece of paper first
  • Hold that up to a pre-printed CMS-1500 form behind it on either a window or bright light to compare the alignment
  • When close enough, try printing on an actual CMS-1500 form

Claims Appear "Squished" ?

If your alignment is not a uniform measurement "off" you may have shrink to fit enabled, to ensure the entire page is printed properly. This ultimately makes the margins larger, and the result is a smaller scale printout which is not ideal for claim printouts.

Good news! Once set, unless adjusted later, you should have no isses with printiung paper claims going forward!


An example of this is when printed, the top text martin is is 1 inch off, aligned relatively well in the center, then 1 inch off on the bottom.

  • In these cases, we recommend printing claims at a custom scale. More programs attempt to save and "scrunch" space, which works against us when printing "pixel perfect" claims.

Example on Google Chrome:

Example on Google Chrome:
  • Once you set the Scale to Custom / 100%, try printing first
  • Then make any necessary adjustments and test print again, making small incremental changes
  • When done, click (bottom left button)

  • Example on Safari:

    Example on Apple Safari:
  • Set the Scaling to 100%, try printing first
  • Then make any necessary adjustments and test print again, making small incremental changes
  • When done, click (bottom left button)

  • Printing Claims

    To print your newly adjusted claims, go to:

    • Click attach_money Billing (left menu)
    • Find the left column Claim Actions section (top left) showing you all your pending claim to submit
    • Click the section Print # primary claims
    • From the list, check off on the left which claims you want to print
      • The top left checkmark will select/deselect all
    • Then click the button (top right):

    Don't see the claims to print? You likely have pop ups blocked. Review our article here to fix that.

    Still having problems aligning your claims? Reach out to support and we can help!