Two-Factor Authentication

security Enabling Two-Factor Authentication can add a second layer of protection to your account and we highly recommend enabling for additional security for your account. This combines:
  • Something you know (password)
  • Something you have (phone)

Once enabled, when you sign in from a browser we don't recognize, we will send a single-use code to your phone for you to enter during sign in before your dashboard and account loads.

In this Article:

For Owners or Managers:

For Staff:

For Clients:

For Everyone:

Require Two-Factor Authentication

As an owner or manager, you can set the system to require 2 factor authentication for just staff, or staff + clients. If enabled, users will be required to configure text or voice call two-factor authentication on their next sign-in.

To manage this, go to:

  • Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Find the section Security Settings, in the top right corner click
  • Change Require Two-Factor Authentication to your desired setting:

For more information about this, check out our Practice Settings article.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (staff)

To enable this on your account, go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the section Two-Factor Authentication
  • Click (top right):

⚠️ Re-enter your password to confirm this action, then follow the setup wizard:

  • Enter your phone number first
  • Confirm the two-factor method (bottom left):
    • text/sms (default)
    • or phone/voice call
  • When done, click (bottom right):

  • Enter the 8 digit code that was delivered
  • Didn't get it? Click (bottom left)
  • When done, click (bottom right):

🎉 Congratulations! You've successfully set up two-factor!

Once Enabled → On Unrecognized Devices

When you sign in from a computer we don't recognize, we will send a single-use code to your phone for you to enter during sign in.

The prompt will look similar to below:

  • Enter the new code, select the correct authorize option, and click (bottom right)
  • Didn't get the code? Click (bottom right)

stream_apps Remember your device

  • If you opt to remember your device, we will remember it for 1 year
  • After a year, you will be re-prompted for your two factor code.
  • If you are already signed in, and the 1 year mark hits, you may receive a few text messages spaced as quick as a few minutes apart, not to worry
  • Simply close the window and return to our sign in page here and re-authenticate.
Note:If you have any concerns over your account activity and wish to review, please check out our Login History article, or send support an email and we can review with you!

error Seeing this message on a browser and think you shouldn't be?

We store cookies on your browser to recognize you, but if you:
  • clear cookies
  • login on a different browser (even on the same computer)
  • use more strict privacy settings, including clearing cookies on browser close
  • or use private/incognito modes

You will likely see this message.

Managing or Disabling Two-Factor Authentication (staff)

To manage or disable two-factor authentication under your own profile once already enabled, from the left menu go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the section Two-Factor Authentication
  • If you wish to completely disable two-factor authentication, click the  button
    • Follow the prompts to deactivate
    • This is not recommended unless you are encountering issues
  • If you wish to simply change the authentication type, including Phone Number, and delivery options, click Change (far right) instead and follow the prompts

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (clients)

Once signed in, clients would go:

1. From the Dashboard:

  • If not set up, find the top center section Account Set Up
  • To the right click the arrow →

2. From the Profile:

  • Click My Profile (left menu)
  • On the far right menu find the Two-Factor Authentication and toggle it on:

Note: On a mobile device or smaller screen? This menu will be at the very bottom.

⚠️ Re-enter your password to confirm this action, then follow the setup wizard:

  • Enter your phone number first
  • Confirm the two-factor method (bottom left):
    • text/sms (default)
    • or phone/voice call
  • When done, click (bottom right):

  • Enter the 8 digit code that was delivered
  • Didn't get it? Click (bottom left)
  • When done, click (bottom right):

🎉 Congratulations! You've successfully set up two-factor!

Managing or Disabling Two-Factor Authentication (clients)

Once set up, you can manage your settings under:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • To the right find the menu, then the blue toggle with Two-Factor Authentication
  • Click the blue toggle to disable two-factor:

  • Once you confirm the prompt, you'll see this signifying two-factor is disabled:

  • Click the grey toggle switch to re-configure two-factor