Practice Settings (Left Menu)

Required Role: Owner or Manager

To access, click Practice Settings (left menu):

This area allows an owner or manager to define practice-wide settings:

Practice Settings Tabs

For a breakdown of each of the above practice setting tabs see below:

home General

This is where we keep the general overview group settings:

To edit any of these settings, at the top right corner of each section click the or other similarly titled blue button.

Group Settings

  • Edit things like Group Name, Type 2 NPI, Taxonomy Code and Group Tax ID / EIN

Service Location & Billing Address

  • Here we list only your primary office service location and details
    • Click the Office Name to edit
    • To create a new office location, click

Security Settings

lock So important it gets its own section!

Read on to learn how to configure various security related group settings from top to bottom:

To edit click (top right) and re-enter your password.

The button will then turn to shown here:

privacy_tip Security Options

timer Automatically sign users out
security_update_good Require Two-Factor Authentication
computer Simultaneous Login Limit
  • Limit how many devices / browsers a single user can be logged in with at the same time
  • Logging in with more than the limit will result in the oldest sign in to be logged out
sms Login Banner
  • A paragraph field type that you can enter
  • Before seeing the dashboard, this message will be displayed to both staff and clients immediately after signing in:

update 90-Day Inactive User Lock-Out

Automatically inactivate staff and / or clients after 90 days of inactivity

Staff or Clients having issues signing in after?
  • To unlock staff: Click here
  • To unlock clients: Unlock them from their client profile via the right hand menu

verified_user Single Sign On (SSO)

You can use your own OpenID Conect provider for staff to sign in to TherapyAppointment.

local_atm Note: The cost for SSO is $5 per month per subscriber.
  • To do so, check off the box:

  • Review the prompt:

  • Click
  • Follow the instructions from top to bottom (screenshot below) to configure
  • Click when done

info Don't know what these values are?

Have questions? Please consult your SSO provider for instructions on this, TherapyAppointment staff unfortunately cannot directly assist with this.

Practice Logo

  • Upload both a Banner & Icon image for your practice
  • Article: Practice Logos

Practice Announcements

Other Settings

apartment Office Locations

This is where you can come to add, edit, or close office locations:

  • Service locations
  • Billing addresses
  • and Statement addresses (optional)

home Click the name of an office location to edit settings including:

  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Whether or not it's a service location, primary office and billing address
  • Schedule color
  • Default POS code
  • Service Facility NPI
  • Taxonomy Code

To create a new location

At the top right of any section click

To close a location:

  • home Click the name of an office location
  • Scroll to the bottom and click (bottom left)
  • You have the option to move future appointments and availability to another office (or cancel):

groups Staff

Here you can view, add, or edit the settings of any staff member or provider in the group here:

Click a staff member's name to edit their roles or any other setting they can edit in their My Profile area.

local_atm Billing & Insurance

Here you can set CPT codes, claims & insurance settings, and manage payment processing settings.

CPT Codes

Here you can edit the CPT codes used by clicking Set Up to the right:

Note: Clicking any of these links will bring you to the same page to edit practice wide CPT code settings. After clicking, to navigate to another CPT code section, scroll either up or down.

General Overview:

  • Standard: Used for standard billing, may be used with claims
    • Add-on: Codes to add on to other CPT codes
  • Custom: These are not used on claims, Superbills, or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) statements
  • System: Normal fees of no shows and late cancels

Article: More details about CPT codes

Insurance Features

If your practice accepts insurance, here is where you can enable that or manage insurance company details.

Claim Features

If your practice submits claims, here you can configure your optional Office Ally account and aging claim threshold.

  • Article: Access Claim features (Electronic Claims Processing, Aging Claim Threshold)

Payment Processing

Here you can set up your integrated payment processing options, automatic payments, and optionally external credit card processing.


description Chart Templates

Create or edit your practice's own custom chart note templates, managed on a per-therapist level.

Charts can also be shared with the group.


description Online Forms

Here you can view all practice wide online forms

  • To create a new form, click
  • Start from scratch, use one of your already existing forms, or one of our prebuilt templates!
  • Click on a form name to edit or preview


manage_accounts Client Demographics

Here you can view, edit, enable or disable custom client demographics used on both the client profile as well as with a custom report.

Set your own, or use the prebuilt list of our commonly requested "advanced" demographics: