Chart Note Templates

Create custom session documentation with just a few clicks!

This allows you to use the chart template you create instead of one of our prebuilt templates.

In this Article:

Create a New Chart Template

Depending on your access, this process can be navigated via Practice Settings or My Profile.

As a Provider:

  • Click My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the Chart Templates section
  • This brings you to a list of your specific chart templates:

Click (top right section) for either a:
  • Chart Template
  • or HIPAA Note Template

This will then load the chart template editor.

Hint: Additionally, setting up chart options is also helpful.

As an Owner or Manager:

  • Click Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Click Chart Templates (top tab)
  • This brings you to a list of the practice wide chart templates:

Click (top right of each section) for either a:
  • Chart Template (top)
  • or HIPAA Note Template (bottom)

This will then load the chart template editor.

Hint: Additionally, setting up chart options is also helpful.

Each template type is explained in detail below:

Template types:

Chart Templates:

Intended to be used as the entire chart note. Once the chart template is loaded, you can further customize: add, edit or remove whatever you need.

The sky is the limit in personalization: include as much or as little as you need!

HIPAA Note Templates:

Combining the best of both words:

Include all the charting options of our HIPAA charting template while additionally using your own HIPAA Note Templates on the notes section specifically.

Note: The differences are also briefly outlined in the charting article here: Start Charting

Edit an Existing Chart Template

Click on the template name or button:

Here we load the specific Chart Template which you can further configure with your desired note content:

Chart templates can be configured with our rich text format editor, which includes different header sizes (header h1-h6 and paragraphs), as well as text formatting like bold, italic, underline, and small text. In addition, we support bullet points, numbered bullet points, as well as paragraph indentations.

Note: the system already creates preset information in the Chart Template header section (these presets are required in a chart note). 

Pre-set requirements for a chart note template include a minimum of: 

  • client name
  • appointment date & start/end times
  • date of birth
  • diagnosis
  • CPT code
  • POS code

Want to include more automatically generated information?

Within the Enter Auto-Text? bottom section, click the provided options to insert additional placeholders beyond the standard pre-sets given

Example: clicking adds it into the chart note text field above.

Once done with your chart template, click at the bottom.

The template will now be available for use when documenting a client session.

Note: Edits to a custom template can be made at any time, but will only affect future notes. Past notes and notes in progress will not be affected by the change, unless the draft and changes are discarded and reloaded. For this, while charting at the bottom left click the button.

Using a Chart Template

Once you click from the client's scheduled appointment:

For Standard Chart Templates:

  • Click the Chart Entry Style drop-down (near the top)
  • This will allow you to select from the default templates (HIPAA, SOAP) as well as your custom Chart Templates beneath that:

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  • This would load your chart note template, which you can further edit and add to, modify, and review

What are all those {SquigglyBrackets} doing in my notes?

  • While editing your chart note, the auto text values will not populate on the editing page
  • They will not show the actual values until after you click
  • The next page is where you can review what your chart note will look like when locked


For HIPAA Note Templates:

  • While charting in a HIPAA chart note template, find Diagnosis Codes (near the bottom)
  • Below it you'll find the dropdown option HIPAA Note Template
  • Choose from the dropdown which template you'd like to use
  • That template will now be loaded in the Notes section of the chart

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