Group Therapy Sessions: Creating, Scheduling, Charting, Payments

Looking to create and chart on group sessions?

Easily bill and chart on all group clients for a session with this easy built in feature!
These quick steps will show the process for adding a new group, taking payment and starting the chart process.

In this Article:

Create a Client Group

To add a new group, follow these steps:

  • Click Clients (left menu)
  • Click the button (top right):

If you have multiple providers, pick the provider for this group.
  • Enter the full group name, initials, and the CPT code typically used
  • Click

movie Video:

Add Clients to a Group

From the Group List

  • Within Clients (left menu), the new group will now show near the top of the list
  • Click on the group to load the group details:

  • Click to the right of Add Client, type their name, then click the dropdown to add them to the group
  • To remove a client from a group, to the right of their name click
  • To edit the group name or default CPT code used, click
  • When finished, click

From the Client Profile

Alternatively, from a client's profile, you can add a particular client to a group, or manage their existing group membership.

Go to:

  • Clients (left menu)
  • Click on the client's name, loading their Profile
  • Find the section Group Membership
  • At the top right corner, click and click the group name

⚠️ Note: Here we also list other groups the client is a part of:

  • To Remove the client from this group, click the far right red profile icon
  • To Edit that particular group, click the far right grey square with a pencil icon

Group Scheduling

Once the new group has been created and clients added, it is time to get them on the schedule! 

Do this as you would a client, via the schedule.

  • Click Schedule (left menu)
  • Click on the date & time you wish to create the group for
  • Type part of the group's name in and click on it
  • Click

Once on the schedule, click on the appointment to manage attendance, payment, and charting.

Share a Group with Another Provider

Sharing a group with another provider means:

  • That provider will have access to the group and can view & edit group clients
  • Can schedule and chart on the group

Sharing a group requires scheduling that group with the second provider, here are the steps:

  • Go to Schedule (left menu)
  • Pull up the second providers schedule
  • Click on the date & time you want the appointment, loading the appointment popup
  • Click the filter button to toggle it to all clients: filter_alt
  • Enter the group name, noting the alert above it
  • Click

movie Video:

Group Attendance

The main breakdown in attendance is yes or no:

  • With yes (attended):
    • You can use a standard or custom CPT code, or no fee
  • With no (did not attend):
    • You can use one of the available system codes: no show, late cancel, or no fee

Mark all as Attended (with default CPT Code):

  • If you have more attending than not, the easiest thing is to mark them all as attended
  • Click the checkbox (top left) shown below:
Don't worry: you can still change and edit specific client CPT codes after checking this!

Edit Attendance for Client: Blank

  • Click on the dropdown under the Attendance column
  • With the dropdown we group & list the attendance order from Yes → No
  • Scroll down to find your selection:

Edit Attendance for Client: CPT Code Already Set:

  • If attendance is already set, click the pencil icon to first clear out the selection
  • Then click the dropdown and select another CPT code:

Pick Different CPT Codes for Each Client:

  • We also support multiple different CPT code selections
  • Set one for 90853, another one for a custom CPT code: the combinations are unlimited!

Attendance: Visual at a Glance:

Once attendance is set with a CPT code, we denote the yes/no attendance with colored icons:

movie Video: outlining the attendance process:

Accept Payment

From the appointment popup, to the right of the CPT code for any client click

Start Charting

To begin charting, click the top far right button:

  • If looking to use a custom chart note template, select it from the Chart Entry Style dropdown:
    • Only custom templates are supported
    • Our HIPAA and SOAP note templates are only available on single client appointments
    • Custom templates can't be edited, but you can include more details in the Group Notes section

  • For general group session notes, enter those in the Group Notes section
    • We support rich text and some formatting options (top bar)
    • These will become a part of all client chart notes that attended the session
  • For any specific client notes, enter them below, beside each client's respective name:
    • This is optional, and will only be added to this specific clients chart notes

  • When complete, click the bottom right button
  • Review the chart note, ensuring it's correct
  • Click the bottom right button
Note: When clicking both buttons above, you should see a popup warning with a progress bar as the system locks your chart notes. Please avoid navigating away from this page during that process.