Charting Options

Look no further: change and manage your default charting options and settings here!

Prefer to for example chart your notes elsewhere, like on paper or another secure solution? We have you covered! Read on for more details.

In this Article:

Turn Charting Off

In cases where you may not use TherapyAppointment to manage session records, there is an option to turn off charting. This can be useful when you prefer something like paper records.

To manage this, go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the Chart Options section and click (top right)
  • Set Require chart notes for each appointment? to No
  • Click

As a provider you will no longer see the prompt to ‘chart session’ on the summary page.

You can still manage the financials of any appointment (accept payments, start billing, or generate a claim) by going to the Schedule and clicking on the appointment, loading a popup:

Turn Charting On

Note: This feature is enabled by default. You should only need this if you disabled charting previously.

To re-enable charting, go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the Chart Options section and click (top right)
  • Set Require chart notes for each appointment? to Yes
  • Here you can also change the default chart style
  • Click 
⚠️ Note: From here, we strongly suggest reviewing this article: Start Charting
     You can also review our other article related to charting:  Chart Note Templates

Change Default Chart Template

If charting is enabled, you can set the default chart template type here:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the Chart Options section and click (top right)
  • Change the option Default chart note style
  • Click