Insurance Eligibility Verification

Want to check client's insurance eligibility benefits? Read on to find out more about this useful feature!

In this Article:

⚠️ Note: Check to see if the insurance companies you bill participate here: Office Ally payers list

Accessing Insurance Eligibility Verification

To access the verification, go to your client's profile:

  • Clients (left menu)
  • Click on the client's name
  • Find the bottom section Insurance Eligibility Checks 
  • Click seen below:

From here, you can pick the appropriate details in the dropdown to run an eligibility check for the client:

Once selected, you can click  at the bottom right:

Additional Confirmation

Running an eligibility check costs 7 cents per eligibility check, so we display this prompt each time to remind you of this charge:

This will be on your next TherapyAppointment bill, including a breakdown of usage.

Insurance Eligibility Verification Results

The results will be displayed after running the check, which you can compare on the far left and enter in the appropriate data on the right for the client's insurance (shown below):

Once you enter the information on the right hand side of the screen, click the blue button in the red box above to save the details.

From there, client insurance will be saved and you'll see at the bottom of the client profile a history of any run confirmations in the section Insurance Eligibility Checks:

Benefits entered will then be listed in the client profile under their Primary Insurance section:

Please additionally consider:

  • We at TherapyAppointment cannot assist you in troubleshooting or interpreting the data presented in the report, this is information that is provided from a third party (Office Ally) with no guarantee on accuracy.
  • We have integrated this convenient feature so that you may check insurance benefits on your own, but whenever in doubt either you or the client should contact the insurance company directly for up to date eligibility if there are any questions or issues.

Helpful Notes

When running benefits, to reduce the likelihood of errors or issues, please re-confirm the following prior to running a client check:

  • Subscriber #
  • First and Last name
  • DOB
  • Gender/Sex for claims
  • Insurance Company selected
  • Therapist NPI (ensure it is current)

Insurance Eligibility Report

  • Owners, managers, or providers with the reporting role may go to Reporting (left menu).
  • Under the section Feature Usage (bottom left) click Eligibility Checks:

Report view:

Article: Reporting Function