Reporting Function

Want to view various reports in the system?

From demographics to financials, we have reports that will give you a heads up status of what's going on in your practice!

In this Article:

Access Reporting

Required Roles: Owner, Manager (Financial), or Therapist (Reporting)
  • To access, click Reporting (left menu)

By default our new reports are used, but if you'd like to temporarily revert back to the old reports, check off Use Old Reports (top right):

Reporting Page Overview:

Reporting Overview:

In order from top to bottom, left to right:


  • Last 30 days Income (Insurance + Client Payments)
  • Income [Journal] Report (more info here)


Visually, we highlight here from left to right:

help You can click More → below any graphics for more options & details.


At the bottom we have a variety of reports: financial and business insights, demographics, other feature usages and audits to summarize.

Report Types & Details

We have a variety of reports, each getting its own section below. Click below to go to that specific report:


Account Aging CPT Code Breakdown Monthly Activity

Financial Reports Business Intelligence Reports Client Demographics Reports
Income Summary Practice Summary Explorer
Income Journal Monthly Activity Gender
Accounts Receivable CPT Codes Age
Insurance Reimbursement Referral Source Zip Code



Eligibility Checks Client Record Access Client PDF Form Access Changes

Email Monitoring

Financial Reports

Section Jump:

Income Summary

Get a high level summary of your income with this report.


Top Right Options:

  • To edit filters, click
  • To Print, click


  • Therapists
  • Date Range
  • Locations
  • POS Code
  • Telehealth

Click to see a larger version

Here we show an overview of the practice income, with a breakdown of each providers respective income below.

We break down the:

  • Charges and Discounts + Adjustments
  • Insurance, Client, and Total Income
  • CPT Code and Fee breakdown
  • Income type & timeframe breakdown
  • As well as therapist specific details below practice totals

Click any blue section name or tag more on this page to open a more detailed view:

Expanded view:

Below the Practice Totals section we include the same breakdowns on a per provider basis.

Click a provider's name to expand their specific breakdown.

🍰 Tasty tip: We also show each provider's piece of the pie pie_chart vs. practice income to the left of their name:

To the right, you can use our handy calculator if you use a percentage for payroll. Enter the percentage on the left and we calculate the total. Click (Payout) below the calculated total to copy the amount to paste into wherever you need it.

Need a more complete breakdown of income?

Consider using our Income Journal option

Good news: directly within the Income Summary is the ability to jump to the Income Journal with the same filters!

Click the top left button to take you there.

Income Journal

Our most detailed income report, including charges, payment details, and totals.

At the top right you'll find actions:

  • Click to edit the used filters (listed below)
  • Click to Print (blue icon)
  • Click to download a CSV file (spreadsheet)


  • Date Posted & Date of Service
  • Therapists
  • Locations
  • POS Code
  • Telehealth
  • Categories (Charges & Discounts, Client Payments & Refunds, Insurance Payments)

To quickly disable / enable filters you can use the blue toggle beside the amounts as well:

Accounts Recievable

Also known as an 'aging report' — get a breakdown of money owed to the practice here. Search by client as well below the graph.

Filter by:

  • Balance or Client Responsibility
  • Locations
  • Therapists


For a full export, at the bottom right below the graph click the button to download a spreadsheet with all the data listed below.

To export the graph data specifically, within the graph at the top right click the button to pick from various formats:

  • Image: PNG, JPG
  • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
  • Print


Insurance Reimbursement

Get a breakdown of private pay vs. insurance payments, as well as average reimbursement.


  • Date of Service
  • Locations
  • Therapists


To export the graph data, within the graph at the top right click the button to pick from various formats:

  • Image: PNG, JPG
  • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
  • Print
  • Display Data (numbers/spreadsheet view within the app)


Click to see a larger version

📈 Business Intelligence Reports

Section Jump:

Practice Summary

Get an overview of your practice, including:

  • Charges and discounts
  • Client and insurance income
  • Breakdown of CPT code counts and fees
  • Misc. client activity
  • Unlocked records

At the top right you'll find actions:

  • To edit filters, click
  • To Print, click


  • Therapists
  • Date Range

Report in order:

  • Charges & Discounts, as well as Insurance, Client and Total Income (by type)
  • Breakdown of CPT codes, units, charges and payments
  • Client Activity for this date range & all time
  • Unlocked Records, which we break down by types here:
    • Uncharted → An appointment is created, but billing and charting have not begun
    • New → When you either start billing or charting in the system (they're interlinked)
    • Draft → Start a chart note draft, and opt to save and finish it later
    • Pending Review → Chart is under review [on supervisor's side]
    • Feedback → Feedback has been sent [back on supervisee's side]


For more information on particular sections, click the blue i (icon) if available, shown here for example:

Monthly Activity

A single numerical value of all standard + custom CPT codes used that month.

This excludes add-on codes & cancelled appointments.


  • Locations
  • Therapists

Below the graph, from the far left and/or right, drag the grey sliders to adjust your view:


To export the graph data, within the graph at the top right click the button to pick from various formats:

  • Image: PNG, JPG
  • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
  • Print

Video of export & graph:

CPT Codes

Get a report of service related CPT codes used in the system (both counts and amount billed $).

This excludes cancelled appointments.


  • Date Range
  • Locations
  • Therapists
  • Client


To export the graph data, within the graph at the top right click the button to pick from various formats:

  • Image: PNG, JPG
  • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
  • Print
  • Display Data (numbers/spreadsheet view within the app)


Referral Source

Click to see a larger version


  • Date Range
  • Client Status
  • Therapists
  • Referral Source

To export this data, click the button at the bottom right corner below the graph.

Client Demographics Reports



  • A list of all client genders, client & appointment counts along with billed amounts.
  • Filter by date range, locations, and therapists
  • Export a copy of the report with the top right ... button within the graph
    • Options:
      • Image: PNG, JPG
      • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
      • Print
      • Display data (pop up with a spreadsheet like view)


  • A list of all client age ranges, client & appointment counts along with billed amounts.
  • Filter by date range, locations, and therapists
  • Export a copy of the report with the top right ... button within the graph
    • Options:
      • Image: PNG, JPG
      • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
      • Print
      • Display data (pop up with a spreadsheet like view)

Zip Code:

  • A list of all zip codes, client & appointment counts, as well as billed amounts.
  • Filter by date range, locations, and therapists
  • Export a copy of the report with the top right ... button within the graph
    • Options:
      • Image: PNG, JPG
      • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
      • Print
      • Display data (pop up with a spreadsheet like view)


  • A list of all diagnosis's entered, client & appointment counts, and billed amounts.
  • Filter by date range, locations, and therapists
  • Export a copy of the report with the top right ... button within the graph
    • Options:
      • Image: PNG, JPG
      • Data: CSV, XLSX, PDF
      • Print
      • Display data (pop up with a spreadsheet like view)

Feature Usage

Eligibility Checks:

A breakdown of insurance eligibility checks run by the practice.

Article: Insurance Eligibility Checks

Audits & History

Note: For all below audits you can:

  • Filter results with the button (top right)
  • Download → Use the button (top right)
    • Download as a CSV [spreadsheet] or PDF
    • Not available for email monitoring

Patient Chart Note Access: 

A log of any view, edit, draft, or lock of a chart note record in the group.

Click to see a larger version

Client PDF Form Access Changes:

A log of any standard client document that's been revoked, and details including reason.

Click to see a larger version

Email Monitoring

Here you can see a log of all emails sent out from the practice and their status.

Click to see a larger version