
The TherapyAppointment Dashboard provides a snapshot overview of your account, and tasks requiring your attention.

You're automatically directed to the dashboard page after logging in. Color-coding brings your attention to what needs immediate action.

In this Article:

This is a breakdown of the dashboard sections in order:

Overall Dashboard View

Here's a general overview of the Dashboard screen which includes the elements listed above:  

Click to see a larger version

Today's Appointments

Role: Therapist

At the top left you're shown a daily agenda view of todays appointments.

  • Click on any appointment to bring up the appointment popup
  • Easily see the time, appointment type and client alert

Charts In Review

Role: Therapist ( Supervisor or Supervisee )

Supervisors and supervisees should pay close attention to this section of the dashboard!

As a Supervisor:

  • When your supervisees finish a note, it will be listed here awaiting you review
  • Click on the list item to reveal the appointment popup for further actions

As a Supervisee:

  • If you are a supervisee, these are indicating either:
    • Notes that are not yet signed by your supervisor
    • Or that have been sent back to you for review (and resubmit)
  • Click on the list item to reveal the appointment popup for further actions

Article: Supervision

Uncharted Appointments

Role: Therapist

A list of scheduled sessions that you either:

  • Have not yet taken payment for
  • Or started a chart note on

Click on the list item to reveal the appointment popup for further actions:

Article: Start Charting

Incomplete Charts

Role: Therapist

Here we list any started, but unfinished appointment chart notes.

We get it, things get busy! Tidy up your "to do list" here by completing the chart notes for these appointments.

Click on the list item to reveal the appointment popup for further actions:

Article: Start Charting

Expiring Treatment Plans

Role: Therapist

Set a treatment plan with an expiration date in the system? We have you covered!

Here we list any treatment plans:

  • Within 14 days of expiring
  • Or any already expired treatment plans

Click on the list item to update the client's treatment plan.

Article: Treatment Plans

Unconfirmed Appointments

Role: Owner Manager Therapist Scheduler Biller

Have a look at patients who have not yet confirmed their upcoming appointment occurring today or tomorrow:

Why is this important?

You are likely sending reminders to patients about their upcoming sessions and asking patients to confirm that they are coming to the appointments in those reminders.

If a patient shows on the unconfirmed appointment list, consider giving them a quick phone call near the end of the business day to remind them of their appointment!

Article: Client Appointment Reminders & Confirmations

Client Management

Role: Owner Manager Therapist Scheduler Biller

At the top right, you'll see two tools shown below: 

Click beside either one for each respective report.

person_add New Clients

Looking for the intake tool instead? Click here for more information!
  • Click the blue button to see a list of new clients, with some filters and actions
  • All clients created are automatically given the new client status (Client status breakdown here)
  • Clients are listed here when either:
  • Clients are automatically removed from this list after:
    • Either the first session note is completed
    • Or if manually changed by staff with this tool, or in the client profile
Click to see a larger version
  • You'll be taken to the above screen, where you can see the list of all new clients currently.
  • Use the blue button to schedule an appointment for the client (if needed)

At the top right you'll see a few menu options, detailed here:

  • Therapists (can select multiple)
  • Date Range, with some common preselects

  • Check off at least one client first on the left to reveal this option
  • Set selected [clients as] inactive (removes them from this list)
  • Set selected [clients as] active (also removes them from this list)


  • PDF Document
  • CSV Spreadsheet

autorenew Client Retention

Client retention allows you to review clients that have scheduled with some regularity in the past, and now have no upcoming appointments.

Clicking from the dashboard allows you to see a list of those clients:

Questions about how we make this list?

Here's the "Client Retention Criteria" we use:

  • The client’s status (under their Profile) is Active
  • The client has at least 2 appointments on the schedule between 2 - 8 weeks ago
  • The client has 0 appointments from 2 weeks before today & onward

Client retention works like the new client report with the similar top right menu options:

  • Therapist (can select multiple)

  • Check off at least one client first on the left to reveal this option
  • Set selected [clients as] inactive (removes them from this list)
  • Message Selected
  • Snooze Selected (hide from report)
    • Snoozing client(s) means they're hidden on this report until the set date (default 1 year):


  • PDF Document
  • CSV Spreadsheet

Think of this as a "rolling report" or metric. Clients cannot be removed from this list, but will be removed automatically after the 6 week time period.

Insurance / Claims:

Role: Owner Manager Therapist ( financial )

On the right column under Client Management you'll notice a variety of claims related actions.

  • With these you're able to filter each report based on certain critera
  • You can also save as either a PDF or CSV spreadsheet!

Problem ERAs

If any, will be listed here:

Claim Actions

Role: Owner Manager Therapist ( financial )

From scrub problems to submitting claims, this is a heads up overview of your claims with various options listed below:

  • Any claims with scrub problems
  • Claims ready to be submitted electronically
  • Primary & Secondary claims to submit
  • Old claims (based on your "aging claim" limit)

Here's an example of the "Ready to submit claims" screen:

Click to see a larger version

Claims Pipeline & Clearinghouse Updates

Role: Owner Manager Therapist ( financial )

Details the claims process, from submitted claims you're waiting on to rejected claims, or any clearinghouse updates are shown below.

Note: This information is covered in detail on our Billing & Insurance Dashboard page.

Insurance Policy Problems

Role: Owner Manager Therapist ( financial )

Clients who have insurance authorizations coming due soon or who need their insurance information verified will show up here.

Note: This information is covered in detail on our Billing & Insurance Dashboard page.