Have a supervisor review a chart note written by a supervisee before it's locked.
With our feature here, you can designate supervisors and supervisees within your group. Providers (supervisees) can have one or multiple supervisors, but only one can sign off on each individual chart note.
Within this Article:
- Starting Supervision
- Stop Supervision
- View a Provider's Supervisor
- Supervisee - Charting
- Supervisor - Charts Requiring Review
- Supervisee - Charts in Review
To be a supervisor, they also need to have the therapist role.
movie Video:
Starting Supervision
To enable or start supervision, perform the following steps:
- On any screen click (top right)
- Then click Staff (top tab)
Click on the Supervisor name
- Find the Supervisees section (underneath Roles) and find the provider they will be supervising
- Click to the right:
- Once enabled, the name of the supervisor provider is indicated with a checkmark check
- You'll also notice the button now says
- Also under the Supervisee's profile → in the Supervisors section they will be listed:
- Selecting a supervisor/supervisee does not affect any chart notes already locked
- Supervision will begin for any chart note finalized going forward
Stop Supervision
To stop supervision at any time, follow these steps:
- On any screen click (top right)
- Then click Staff (top tab)
- Click on the Supervisors name
- Find the Supervisees section
- Click to the right:
View a Providers Supervisor
- On any screen click (top right)
- Then click Staff (top tab)
- Click on the Supervisee's name
- Find the Supervisors section:
Supervisee: Charting
Once supervision has been enabled, the supervisee would chart as they normally would.
- Chart as you normally would
- Click the button (bottom right)
- has replaced the button (bottom right):
Supervisor - Charts Requiring Review
Once sent for review, supervisors would go to:
- (left menu)
- Find the left column section Charting Tasks (second down) and click on it if not expanded:

- It should now be titled Charts Awaiting Review and you should see a list of any waiting
- Click on any chart to load:
Think of it as each supervisee having a shared bucket of charts that all their enabled supervisors can access equally. water_medium
Supervisor: Chart View
From top to bottom we include:
- Name of client and provider, as well as the date and time of the appointment
- Location, POS code, and CPT code used (and $ amount)
- The chart note you are reviewing
block "Read Only" Charts
We display the chart note to you in a read only format, so you won't be able to make edits.edit_square Want to make changes?
Include them in your Reviewer Notes section discussed below. Your supervisee will need to make the necessary edits you deem and resubmit it for you to approve and lock.Your supervisee can also copy & paste content_copy anything you enter here while editing the chart to make things easier.
Beneath are the actions:
- edit_square Reviewer Notes optional, show to the supervisee only if you click Return w/ Feedback
- Returns the chart back to the supervisee with feedback
- Permanently locks the chart note for the supervisee
Supervisee - Charts in Review
When a supervisor returns a chart, it will be available to a supervisee on their home page, or the calendar.
To access:
From the Home Screen:
- (left menu)
- On the left find the section Charting Tasks
- Click the Incomplete Charts subsection to expand

- We show a feedback icon feedback indicating a supervisor has returned a chart note:

- Click to return to the charting screen
- Any supervisor feedback will also be included on this screen
- We also support copy and paste of any supervisor feedback
From the Calendar:
- Click on the appointment, loading the appointment pop up
- Then click (far right) shown here:
- Any supervisor feedback will also be included on this screen
- We also support copy and paste of any supervisor feedback
While locked chart notes can't be edited, there are other options: