Online Forms: Editing

This article discusses how to both access and edit your online forms.

Become an expert in creating and editing online forms in our system that your clients can complete and submit securely.

Highlighted Features:

local_atm Included free for all our plans
task Unlimited Online Forms
task Unlimited auto-assigned & manually assigned forms
task Unlimited e-signatures and form elements
task Start with one of our many templates, saving you time
task Easy drag and drop functionality and intuitive feel
task Require clients to complete forms before completing registration (or set to optional)

In this Article:

movie Video (Total Overview):

Access Online Forms

As an Owner or Manager:

To access, on any screen click (top right):

phone_iphone Using a mobile device?

Access settings using the gear icon settings (top right) shown here:

  • Click Templates (top tab)
  • Find the second section Online Forms
  • Depending on your needs, click:
    • to view all the practice wide online forms
    • to create a new online form

  • This brings you to a practice wide list of all online forms:

As a Provider:

  • From any screen click your name (top right):

  • From the popup, underneath your name and practice click

  • You'll then see your profile
  • Click Templates
  • Find the top section Online Forms
  • Depending on your needs, click:
    • to view just your specific online forms
    • to create a new online form

  • This brings you to a list of all online forms you've created at the top
  • Forms shared by others in the practice will be listed at the bottom

Clicking a form loads the form editor.

Menu Options:

Options (left to right):

→ Save time, don't reinvent the wheel! Load a template from TherapyAppointment's library, an already existing online form you created, or a shared form another staff member created.

  • Click (top menu)
  • Or (center)


  • Search based on keyword (top left)
  • Eliminate the clutter: filter where you're looking for templates (top right)
  • A list of your and your groups templates, as well as templates created by TherapyAppointment!
  • If you have similar forms (like an adult & child version), create the first one and use it as a template for the other, then just edit and publish!

movie Video:

  • Click to take a look at the form before using
  • Click to open that template in the form editor

→ Save the draft you're working on without publishing it. This does not change the live published version.

→ This makes your changes live for this form going forward.

  • It will not apply to already assigned and not completed forms
  • Want them to have the latest version? Delete and reassign the form

→ Use archive to hide the form from the list of practice forms & the list of assignable forms.

→ Use delete to permanently delete this online form from the system.

  • This can only be done if it's never been assigned to a client
  • This cannot be undone by support

→ Use print to load a printable version of this form.

→ Use preview to load a client side view of the online form (you can test complete it).

Online Form Elements

When in the form editor, the form is built with what we call elements (left menu)

Think of elements like the building blocks, or lego pieces of a form extension

Below, we'll discuss the different elements that may be used in the construction of your form. Once an element is placed in a form, it may be edited, re-sized, re-positioned or deleted.

extension Add Element (left menu)

To the left, you'll see all the element types you can insert in an online form:

movie Video:

  • Single click on an element to add it to the bottom of the form
  • Click and drag an element from the left to insert it anywhere in the form
  • Click the top left pencil edit icon to change form options (right menu)
  • Click on an element (center) to edit options (right menu)

apps Click and hold your mouse here (or anwhere) on the element, then drag to move it up/down
content_copy Copy this element and add it immediately after it in the form
delete Permanently delete this element. Elements deleted cannot be undone

movie Video:

Video Summary:

  • Single click on an element (left menu) to add it to the bottom of the form
  • Click and drag an element (left menu) to insert it anywhere in the form
  • Click on an element (center) to adjust the settings for this specific element (right menu)
  • content_copy Copy this element and add it immediately after it in the form
  • delete Permanently delete this element

extension Element Types

Jump to a section:

Instructional Text

Title / Heading:

  • Up to 50 characters
  • Can set the size (small, medium, large), bold (yes, no), and alignment (left, center, right)
  • This field supports copying/pasting text and symbols, including emojis! 🎉

Paragraphs / Free Text:

  • Use for text longer than 50 characters, like a paragraph of instructional text or information
  • Can set the size (small, medium, large), bold (yes, no), and alignment (left, center, right)
  • This field supports copying/pasting text and symbols, including emojis! 🎉


Form Section:

  • This allows you to drag other form elements into it
  • Group similar questions, or categories if you prefer to organize your forms
  • Options: Collapsible (yes/no) and open by default (yes/no)

Therapist Section:

  • This section can only be completed by the client's therapist the form was assigned under
    • The section will appear greyed out to the client when completing
  • Therapists complete the section after the client submits the form
  • Any responses will be visible to the client if they review the form on the portal after completed


Supervisor Section:

  • This section can only be completed by the client's therapist's supervisor the form was assigned under
    • The section will appear greyed out to the client when completing
  • Supervisors complete the section after the client submits the form
  • Any responses will be visible to the client if they review the form on the portal after completed

Article: Supervision

If the provider does not have a supervisor, any fields in this section will be left blank.

Free Text (Questions & Answers)

Single Line Text Field:

  • Question up to 50 characters
  • Typically used to ask questions with brief or short answers
  • Can set the max answer length (in characters)



Multi Line Text Field:

  • Question up to 50 characters
  • Typically used to ask questions with longer or more detailed answers



Email Address:

  • A field designed to collect a valid email address
  • We automatically perform basic input validation




  • Allows a client to electronically sign with either their mouse or on a touchscreen device
  • Clients with difficulties can also switch to manually type their name



Multiple Choice


  • Question up to 50 characters
  • Dropdown styles include a simple dropdown, dropdown with free typing, and dropdown with auto complete
  • You can also allow multiple selections (default is set to no)



Checkboxes and Radios:

  • Question up to 50 characters
  • This is a multi choice option that allows you to configure if multiple selections are allowed
    • A checkbox means clients can select multiple options
    • Radio (button) means clients can only make one selection within that group of options

help Fun fact: Radio buttons were named after the physical buttons used on older radios to select preset stations. When one of the buttons was pressed, other buttons would pop out, leaving the pressed button the only button in the "pushed in" position.


  • Question up to 50 characters
  • Allows clients to pick from a numerical range
  • Can configure minimum/maximum values

Dates & Times

Date Field:

  • Question input up to 50 characters
  • Can be set to default to todays date as well
  • Clicking this allows the client to type a date
To open the calendar pop-up, click the far right calendar calendar_today icon.

Auto Text

  • Auto-text fields will automatically fill in the described information into the completed form
  • Reduces the amount of information a client needs to enter
  • This saves time, reduces frustration and potential errors

These field types include options to display information from either the client's profile section or from your practice's information, depending on the field selected.

Available Auto-Text Fields:

  • Practice name
  • Practice Contact Info (address and phone number)
  • Practice Logo (both banner and icon options)
  • Therapist Name
  • Therapist NPI
  • Client Name (legal or preferred)
  • Client Date of Birth
  • Client Contact Info (address, email & phone)
  • Client Insurance Information (company name & subscriber ID)

Managing Fields/Elements

Click an element in the center portion of your form to edit the properties on the right:

They will include options depending on the element type like:

  • Question and answer values
  • Field name or Label
  • Width (based on a 1-12 column "grid")
  • For text fields (like Title and Paragraph): the size and boldness of the font
  • Required - requires the client to supply an answer before submitting the form

Include required elements?

If clients report not being able to submit a form, it means they left one or more required fields blank that you've asked them to complete.

Clients should see something similar to this outlining the element in red where it's required, and a show me button to take them to the required element:

Alternatively, they can scroll up and look for the red fields shown above.