Screen Reader Settings

When this feature is enabled, we make core changes to the way the schedule and charting work.

In this Article:

Enable or Disable Screen Reader Access

To configure this setting, go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the General Settings section
  • Click (top right):

  • Change Screen reader accessible mode? to the desired setting and click

calendar_month Schedule

Original Schedule Article: Therapist Schedule and Appointments.

Here we show a simplified daily list view of your appointments. You can use Tab and Enter to navigate.

Switch between yesterday and tomorrow at the top as well

description Charting

Original Charting Article: Start Charting.

Here we include a new field, diagnosis codes search, and a results dropdown you can use to enter single or multiple diagnoses:

Enter a diagnosis code or keyword and click Tab → this will reveal the search results listed below:

To add a diagnosis:

If your search lists just one result:

  • Tab down to Diagnosis Codes Search Results and click Enter
  • That diagnosis will be added and shown beside Selected Diagnosis Codes

If your search lists multiple results:

  • Tab down to Diagnosis Codes Search Results and use the dropdown to select your choice
  • Then click Enter
  • That diagnosis will be added and shown beside Selected Diagnosis Codes

To remove a diagnosis:

  • Click Tab down to selected diagnosis codes
  • highlight the one to remove and click Enter :