Writing a Quick Note
Quick notes allow users to document occurrences within the system that will become a part of the client's clinical record (as well as printed records, like chart notes).
There are many instances you may wish to document non-billable information into the client’s clinical record.
privacy_tip Required Roles:
description To write a quick note:
- Owner or Manager
- Any therapist of the client (or their supervisor)
- Biller
visibility To view a quick note:
- Any therapist of the client (or their supervisor)
- Records Custodian of that therapist
In this Article → Writing a Quick Note:
As an Owner, Manager, or Provider:
As a Biller or Records Custodian:
Quick Note: Records Tab
You can use the following steps, or click here to skip this section if you don't have access to the Records tab:
- Go to (left menu)
- Click on the name of the client, bringing you to their profile
- Click Records (top tab)
- Find the top bar titled Progress Notes and to the far right click
- Here you can update any diagnosis, as well as write the chart note
- The system will automatically time and date stamp the note
- When done, click at the bottom right:
description Quick notes are a part of the client's chart notes, visible in chronological order in the Records tab.
Quick Note: Other Options
If you don't have access to the Records tab, don't worry!
You can still add a Quick Note with either of the following steps:
calendar_month From the Schedule
- Click on the appointment, loading the popup
- Then click the button (middle right)
- Here you can update any diagnosis, as well as write the chart note
- The system will automatically time and date stamp the note
- When done, click at the bottom right:
description Quick notes are a part of the client's chart notes, visible in chronological order in the Records tab.
person From the Client Profile
- Under Clinical Information (4th section down) click edit: edit_square
- Here you can update any diagnosis, as well as write the chart note
- The system will automatically time and date stamp the note
- When done, click (bottom right):
description Quick notes are a part of the client's chart notes, visible in chronological order in the Records tab.
note_stack Other Questions:
What if the phone call [or other event] was two days ago and you are just now documenting it?
Then write for example "On Tuesday, April 18th at 2pm the patient called to discuss…" This will make the note easily understood.