Find Your Therapist Feature

The Find Your Therapist feature is an optional free online listing we provide for all TherapyAppointment customers, don't pay extra for essentials like client portal features!

Allow both new and existing clients to easily find you on our search.

Enable or Disable Find Your Therapist

To enable, as a provider go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the section "Client Portal Settings"
  • Find the sub-section "Find Your Therapist" and click the blue  button to the right:

  • Toggle the option "Include Provider name in Find Your Therapist" at the top.

⚠️ Note: Owners or Managers can manage staff provider settings similarly. Go to:

  • Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Staff (top tab)
  • Click on the provider's name you wish to edit
  • Find the section "Client Portal Settings"
  • Find the sub-section "Find Your Therapist" and click the blue  button to the right

Once there, you'll notice a toggle at the top center.

This is enabled:

This is disabled:

Video below:

Configure Find Your Therapist

To configure Find Your Therapist, it's a similar path as above, you'd go to:

  • My Profile (left menu)
  • Find the section "Client Portal Settings"
  • Find the sub-section "Find Your Therapist" and click the blue [Edit] button to the right:

This will then bring you to your Find Your Therapist Profile preview, shown below:

At the top of this screen, you have the following 3 options:

  1. Back to Profile: Which returns you to your My Profile area in the system
  2. Include <Provider Name> in Find Your Therapist: This toggle gives you the option to enable/disable your visibility when clients search for providers
  3. Edit: Click the top right square with a pencil through it to bring you back to edit your Find Your Therapist Profile

Edit Profile

From the above screen, click the top right Edit button (shown below):

From here you can edit the following settings which will be shown in the preview once done:

  • A Picture
  • Professions
  • Specializations
  • Appointment Types
  • Years of Experience
  • Price Range
  • Languages
  • Faith
  • A summary you want clients to see below your profile when searching / viewing
  • A FAQ of preselected questions you can answer that will also be included in your profile

Screenshot when editing:

And the FAQ's below that:

Once complete click   at the top right and you'll be brought back to your updated profile preview
(shown below):

Client View: Find Your Therapist

⚠️ You may see a similar prompt when loading this page

Note: We only use this for the purpose of connecting you with a provider close and do not store that data.

Clients can find you by going to our website language

  • On the top right menu click Login
  • Or click the blue banner below, each will take you to the portal

Clients are then shown the following screen below allowing them two options:

  1. Look for a new therapist (left)
  2. Search for a therapist by name (right)
Client view:

Clicking the blue  button above brings you through a prompt asking you for certain information, and after entering will bring you to a therapist search result.

This video below highlights this basic process:

Searching for a Therapist (By Name)

By searching for a therapist, searching our test provider Stephen Strange returns this result:

Once at the search page (either by the left questionnaire or right provider search) you'll see the following:

Filters (top)

  • Top right search is by provider name
  • We list the most popular search features on top below that: In person or Telehealth, Location, Counselor Type, and Specializations:
  • To see more filters, click the  button
  • This shows you all filters on the right hand side of the screen:

Selecting a Therapist

Above you'll see an example of a therapist with information like name, Practice Name, Location, upcoming availability and your summary.

  • Clicking on your name will bring them to your full profile view:

  • Clicking on an appointment time ( or  or ) will bring the client to a popup screen walking them through the registration process to schedule:

From here clients would then begin their process of registering under you.

⚠️ Note: Here's more information about the following steps from here: