Taking Payment with International Bancard Using a Connected Terminal

Payment processing can be completed using the screens in TherapyAppointment or by connecting a provided credit card terminal to your computer.

If you are a telehealth only practice, you would likely never have need for a credit card terminal where cards are swiped/chipped into a card reader for processing.

In this Article:

Setting up for Payment

Before beginning to take and process a payment, ensure that the terminal has been turned on.

  • Click Clients (left menu)
  • Locate and select your client
  • Select Billing (top tab)
  • Click the button
  • Ensure the Credit Card payment option is selected
  • Confirm the payment amount, then click the button

At this stage, if there is not a terminal found, users are presented a message asking them to make sure at least one terminal is turned on.

When ready for payment, the terminal(s) will be listed. We recommend naming the terminal to eliminate confusion, even placing a label on it. For example: “Front Desk 1” or “Front Desk 2".

Ready for Payment

The option to 'Enter Manually' or 'Chip or Swipe' appears, along with Save this card for future use.

Enter Manually:

The terminal walks you through collecting the card number, expiration, CVV and other details.

Chip or Swipe

The terminal walks the user through chip or swipe (depending on card swiper used).

By default, the card is saved for future use, but you can uncheck this while taking a payment.

Taking a Payment

Once the payment selection has been chosen (manual or chip/swipe), the system gives a prompt.
Note: do not refresh or leave this page until the transaction is complete! If the page is left before completion, the payment may not appear in the system.

The terminal reader will signify the next steps.

Insert or enter the information and allow the terminal reader to process and complete the transaction. Once complete, the payment behaves like a normal payment.

After, you should then see a green success message similar to this at the top.

Can I save a swiped card without a charge?

No, not by swiping the card through the card reader.

However, your client may enter a credit card on file via the client portal, or you can enter the card on file by going to the patient's profile page and manually entering it there.

If you do not have a card on file for the patient and want to 'swipe' to save the card on file, you must make a charge to the card, even if it's only a dollar.

Updating a saved card

To update anything for a card, including the expiration date, you will want to completely re-save the card via the client profileCredit Card section near the bottom

For more information about this, please check out our Client Profile article

Payment Timeouts

When payment starts, the user has two minutes to complete the sale on the reader. This is controlled by International Bancard.

If the payment fails, an error message is shown that asks the user to re-try or cancel.