Clients List (Left Menu)
Your Clients list offers the capability to search for and manage clients.
From here you can also:
- Create and manage therapy groups
- Export a simplified client list
- And manage intake tool functions
In this Article:
Required Role: Any role will give you access to Clients differently, we will explain those breakdowns below.
Client List Options
To load this, from any screen click
(left menu).You're then presented with this screen below:
- By default, we only show new and active clients
- Looking for inactive clients? Use our article here
- Read on for more information
- You're presented at the top with a short list of options, depending on your roles within the practice
- For more on roles, please check out this article: Adding and managing staff roles
This view is a sticky option, meaning if you select something different from the default, when you return to the client list it will display your last selected option as the default going forward, until you change it.
My Clients:
Required role: Therapist → this will display a list of only your clients as a provider
All Clients:
Required role: Owner, Manager, Scheduler or Biller → this will show all clients within a practice
Clients of Supervisees:
Required role: Supervisor → this will list the clients of your supervisee(s). Here's our article about Supervision
My Custodian Records:
Required role: Records Custodian → this will list all clients under the therapists you're a records custodian of. Here's our article about Records Custodian
Filter Options
On the far right-hand side, you have a list of various filters that can be used.
In order from top to bottom:
- Once you enter all of your required filter options, click (top) filter your results
- Use (top) to clear away all filter options
Additional Client List Options
At the top right, you will our other related client list options:
- checklist_rtl Client Intake Wizard
- exit_to_app Export as a .CSV (spreadsheet) file