Telehealth - Uses and Features

Before reading this article, please ensure you are familiar with our other article on telehealth, available here: Integrated Telehealth in TherapyAppointment

This article will discuss the in's and out's of the telehealth features once you've joined a session.

⚠️ Note: No extra software is required for most telehealth users! All telehealth sessions are accessed and controlled through your built in browser, making it easier for you and your clients! This also includes mobile devices. 

The new Telehealth software works best in Google Chrome. If experiencing issues while using a different browser, switch to Chrome and try again.

Want to use an app? Click here.

In this Article:

Video of the Process:

Joining a Telehealth Session

From the schedule or dashboard:

  • Click on the appointment(This brings up the appointment popup)
  • Locate the telehealth banner near the top
  • Click on the button with the clients name at the top right shown here:

  • On the new page, click shown below:

⚠️ Note: For most devices, you may need to allow both your microphone and camera for use. Please click Allow on your respective devices to proceed. This is required for use and is only used for your telehealth visit. If you have issues, please see the last section by clicking here

Join Using the Application

⚠️ Note: Once installed, you do nothing with the application (no signing in, no configuring, etc).
  • Launch your telehealth session in your browser with the above steps.
  • The browser will prompt you to open the application if already installed (example below in Chrome):

If you don't see that, you can click which will trigger & open the TherapyAppointment telehealth application.

⚠️ Note: Please allow any permissions, including microphone or camera, that may pop up

App not installed yet, or using an older version?

  • The application should automatically inform you of a newer version, with an option to install.
  • Please follow these prompts, then click Launch Meeting.

Join Using Your Browser:

Prefer to join the session with your browser instead of installing an app? We have you covered!

To join, click the bottom text link continue in your current browser shown below:

From here, you're launched into the loading page:

Things to note:

  • First, enable your microphone & camera permissions.
  • Ensure your audio and video are good beforehand here
    • If needed you can pick your audio/video output source
  • You should be able to see yourself with video as well as audio
  • Need to configure this? Click the Settings option:

  • Here you can configure options (mirroring, video source, and audio source) & test before joining.
  • Once properly configured, click

In Meeting Controls

Once in the meeting, you're shown the following screen below.

Beneath it, we will break down in detail all the options available on this telehealth screen:

Top Bar Controls:

Top Left:

🕓 Session timer: The clock starts when you join the session (no time limits)
👥 Participant list: quick access to participants in the meeting
ℹ️ Info: More information about the meeting, including copying meeting details

Top Right:

💡 Theme: Choose either light or dark color theme
🖥️ Gallery View : Change between participant views
🖥️ Fullscreen: Make your telehealth fullscreen (tap escape to undo)
Note: want a "side by side" view? Click Gallery View shown above & disable Auto p2p view

Bottom Bar Controls:

We've broken these down into sections, from left → center → right found below:

Bottom Left:

  • More: Advanced settings for the meeting, adjust video/audio settings, test connection quality)
  • Breakout Rooms (could be helpful with group telehealth sessions)
  • Record: record the session for later review and preservation
    ⚠️ Note: Change the recording layout under the More menu.
  • Whiteboard: draw or explain concepts easily with this feature
  • Share: Share your screen with a client, or a file that you can both review at the same time on the screen!

Bottom Center:

🎤 Microphone (click to mute, click ^ to change audio settings)
🎥 Video (click to hide, click ^ to change video settings)
❌ End call (for all) or just leave the meeting

💡Tip: Want to use a different background, or background blur when in session?

You can by clicking the ^ arrow from the  video icon, then Change Background shown to the right:

The default is no background. To the right of your image, you'll notice options like blur, preset backgrounds, or upload your own!

For a visual, please see below:
⚠️ Note: this is only currently supported on Google Chrome, Firefox, and the apps. It is currently not available when using Safari (but that feature is on the development horizon)

Bottom Right:

  • Invite: invite another participant here or copy the meeting invite here
  • Participants: Lists the active telehealth meeting participants with admin options
  • Chat: Both public and private messaging are supported here
  • Polls: Create a poll and view the results (may benefit groups)
💡 Tip: Want to invite someone other than the client to the session? Use the handy Invite button above, then copy the link (shown below), then share it with whomever you need to join the session!

Join by Phone

If clients prefer to join by phone, you can relay these details to them via our HIPAA Compliant Messaging

Just go to More (bottom left) then Meeting Details:

All the client will need is the dial-in number, and access code.

Audit: Start & Stop Times & Recordings

After an appointment has ended, included in an appointment timeline will be details related to the Telehealth session.

Included are timestamps for:

  • Start & End of telehealth session
  • Anytime someone joins or leaves the session
  • Recording details (if recorded)

To access, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the appointment, bringing up the appointment popup
  • Click the top left Summary tab:

  • Scroll to the bottom and click Timeline to expand this section
  • You should see something similar to below:

View Recordings and Transcripts

If a video and/or transcript is generated, those details will be visible in two areas:

  • Under the client's profile under the Records tab
  • While charting on the appointment
⚠️ Note: Only therapists & supervisors for this specific chart note entry are able to access both recordings and transcripts.

Other clinical staff will see that a recording / transcript is there, but will not be able to access it.

Under the Records tab

From the Records tab, find the particular appointment. Below the notes you'll see the recordings and/or transcripts:

While Charting

When charting on the appointment, at the very bottom underneath the chart note you'll see the recordings and/or transcripts:

Check Connection Quality

Check your speed within the session by hovering your mouse over yourself, then over the "wifi" type icon:

Hide Your Video

Don't care to see yourself as well on the screen? We have you covered!

To hide your own video, at the top right click Gallery

Then, at the bottom right when your image shows up you can click the hide button shown here:

Share Your Screen & See Your Client


  • While in the session, click the bottom left option Share, then Share my Screen:

  • For privacy, we suggest just sharing the specific application
    • So on the new prompt select the top tab Window (1)
    • Alternatively, you can choose to share your entire screen or a chrome tab
    • Sharing sound is only available when sharing a chrome tab
  • Pick the specific window or application you wish to share (2)
  • Then click Share (3):

  • You should then see a screen similar to this:

Want to share your screen as well as see your participants, or annotate your shared display?

Read below to explore your options!

In this Section:

⚠️ Note: this is only currently supported on Google Chrome, Firefox, and the apps. It is currently not available when using Safari (but that feature is on the development horizon)

2 Monitors

This is the easiest and recommended way where you can have your telehealth session on one screen, and your shared application on the other screen.

  • From the above steps, you can devote one monitor to:
    • what you're sharing and
    • the telehealth session
  • Expand your participant view when sharing your screen by dragging the slider from left to right
    • shown below:
Not Expanded Expanded

1 Monitor

This can be done, similar to the above steps but we will be "splitting" your screen between 1) the application you're sharing and 2) the telehealth session.


  • Once shared with the above steps, expand the participant view:
Not Expanded Expanded

  • Then drag the application you're sharing over to the right of the participants
    • This will in a way "split" the screen
  • Clients would see your application as you navigate it with them (example below):


Another option once you share your application is the "annotate" feature:

  • When used it will show your current application view on the right side
  • Participant view will be on the left
  • From here you can annotate your screen and the client will see this in realtime
⚠️ Note: You cannot control the application from the annotation portion, but you can use the tools shown below to annotate:

problem Common Hangups

  • The most common hangups revolve around permissions to your camera and microphone
  • Running a browser other than Chrome? Switch to Google Chrome and try again for a smoother experience
  • Chrome doesn't work? Revert back to Safari or Firefox and install the telehealth app: click here
  • Slow or distorted audio and video? Please try running this connection test: click here
  • Participants can't hear or see you? Please review this resource: click here
  • Minimum requirements for audio & video for a 1:1 session are 2Mbps download (per user) and 2Mbps upload speed. For more details, click here (for comparison most streaming services require ~3Mbps download speed for 720p video streaming)
  • Still having issues?
    • Turn off & on your router & modem (unplug them for ~ 15 seconds)
    • On Wifi?
      Consider connecting to a wired connection to test.
      Don't have an ethernet plug on your device? Move to a place closer to the router or consider moving your router. Avoid thick or non-wooden walls between you and the router or you may notice a weak or slow connection
    • Avoid network strain: ensure there are no other intensive uses of your network if on limited speed
    • Check our additional resources on tips to improve quality by clicking here

quiz Having issues?

If you continue to have issues, allow us to help! Please use this template when reporting so we may assist you as quickly as possible:

  • Date & Time of the appointment
  • Browser you and your client are using
  • Results of the above speed test (Upload & Download speed)
  • Detailed description of the issue
  • Any other information you feel may be helpful
  • Send this information to