Managing Appointments: No Shows, Cancellations

When a client late-cancels or no-shows an appointment, follow this process to accurately document and/or charge the patient for their missed appointment!

In this Article:

Access the Cancellation Page

To begin the process, you may start from many places to get to the same end:

  • Click calendar_month Calendar (left menu) → click the appointment
  • Click home Home (left menu) → click the appointment listed under Today's Appointments
  • From the Today view (top left of Home) → click the appointment. Article: Today & Autopilot View
  • From the client Profile click the Appointment (top tab) → click on the appointment

Then, select near the bottom right:

Cancellation Page

The cancellation page will show you the below screen. Read on for explainations:

Quick links:


Information entered into this text field will be entered onto the appointment screen itself.

Once canceled, it will be visible to staff and the provider to see when the appointment is clicked from the schedule (visual in this article section here). It is never visible to clients.

Is this a repeat appointment? If it is, we will ask if you'd like to cancel all future occurrences.

CPT / Fee:

Use the dropdown to select the code or fee that you are charging for the cancelled appointment.

Required Role: To adjust the local_atm you must have the: Owner, Manager, Biller, or Therapist (financial role)
  • Once a CPT Code has been picked, to the right you have the option to manually adjust the amount:
    • Example below: the No Show normal fee of $50.00 was changed to $42.00

emergency_home Important Note!

  • If you opt to charge No Fee and cancel the appointment, you will not be able to add a CPT Code later
    • If this happens, simply create a new identical appointment (same date & time)
    • Then repeat the cancellation process, marking the paid CPT Code
  • If you do select a CPT Code and later change your mind, you can change it any time (or zero out the charge)

Supported Cancellation CPT Codes:

Charge Saved Card?

Required: Integrated Credit Card Processing is required for this feature.

More questions about this? Reach out to support and let us help!

You also have the option to automatically charge a card on file for a missed appointment fee:

  • If your account is connected with integrated credit card processing
  • The client has a saved credit card on file
  • If more than one card is on file:
    • We default to the default card on file (blue star left of the card in client profile)
    • Want to charge another card? Change this to No and take the payment outside this process

Make Chart Entry?

Entries made into this field become a Quick (Chart) Note Entry chronologically in (the Records tab. They will be a part of the client's records when viewed or printed. 

When done, click (bottom right):

🎉 Success!

Your appointment has now been cancelled with the option you selected.

Cancellations: Schedule View

In the calendar view, on the right hand menu you have two options for cancellations:

  • ✅ Show cancellations → this shows all the cancelled appointments in red on the calendar
  • ❌ (Don't) Show cancellations → this hides all cancelled appointments on the calendar

View Cancellation Details

If you don't see your cancelled appointment, you will need to check off Show Cancellations shown above.

Click any appointment, including red cancelled appointments to view details.

  • The cancelled reason / note entered at the time of cancellation will be listed, including:
    • The cancelled date and time
    • Who cancelled the appointment

Example Cancellation Note:

Cancellations: Billing View

In the:

  • From any screen click Clients (left menu)
  • Click the client name
  • Click Billing (top tab)
  • Find the line item under Account History (center)
  • Click on either the DOS or CPT Code description (No Show in this example):

Didn't charge a CPT code for a cancelled appointment and now need to?

If you did not opt to charge a fee (CPT Code) in the cancellation, you will NOT be able to add a CPT code later to this particular appointment. You would need to re-add a new appointment for the client for the same date/time, then cancel the new appointment again and opt to charge a fee / CPT code.

If you did charge a fee / CPT code, regardless of which one, you can at any later time change the CPT code, or owed amount by the client by clicking on the appointment DOS from the above Billing tab, bringing you to the screen below. Click on the Description column of the current CPT Code charged, change the CPT code there and click (bottom right).