My Profile (Left Menu)

Your profile gives you access to customizing everything "personal" to you: from name to licenses, online forms, CPT codes, office locations, service agreements, and more!

This article covers from top to bottom the entire My Profile page in order. Click on each link below to bring you to that section.

Within this Article:

My Profile → Sections in order:

Need to update another provider's settings?

Owners or Managers can edit any provider or staff member settings by going to:
  • Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Click Staff (top tab)
  • Then click the provider's name, loading their profile

Personal Information, Name, and License

This section contains your general information like your name, licensure and other identification.


  • Name and Gender
  • Professional Names & other name variations like Insurance Claim Name
  • Licensure, Type 1 NPI, Individual Taxonomy and Social Security # or EIN

Individual Billing Information

Here you can update the optional individual billing phone number and mailing address.

Contact Information

Here you can manage:

  • Email address on file
    • If multiple emails are entered, the one marked as default will get all email notifications
  • Contacts, like emergency or general contacts (only visible to owners and managers)

General Settings

This includes various general settings:

CPT Settings

  • The CPT Code default settings are based upon what a Manager or Owner set up
  • You can also set up your own list of CPT codes, prices, and times specific to you instead
Note: before updating these settings, if applicable please first check with an Owner or Manager.

Forms and Templates

Forms and templates can be managed by an Owner, Manager, or Provider.

Here you can manage:

Client Portal Settings

This is used to manage the client portal experience for your clients!

There are four total sections here, in order and linked below:


Note: for an overview of our client portal features, click here.

Client Portal Settings

Here you can customize access to certain client portal features clients use:

Find your Therapist

A feature so jam packed it gets its' own article! Find your Therapist Feature.

Client Registration

We break registration down into two categories:

  • Public registration: using your unique client portal link to sign up (if enabled)
  • Staff Sent Invites: Sent either when creating a new client, or via the client profile
For configuration and a visual walkthrough, use our article on client registration here.

Online Scheduling

This determines how clients can self schedule appointments and all the related options.

Self scheduling is based off of client status (new, active, inactive)


  • Whether or not clients can even scheudle online
  • Schedule frequency (how many appointments in a 24 hour period can they self schedule)
  • How far out in weeks we allow clients to self schedule
  • Whether or not new clients can schedule their first appointment online
  • Each client status can be configured to yes or no on self scheduling
    • Give yourself some time! Limit how soon clients can schedule their appointments

Other Options:

  • Email notifications when new clients register, send messages, or cancel appointments
  • Allow clients to cancel their appointments online
    • If enabled, you can also set a warning notice about potential cancellation fees

live_help Issues with clients self scheduling?

😅 Don't sweat! Check out our handy article for all issues: Client Self Scheduling: Common Issues

Claim Printing Settings (test print)

Here you can adjust the printing alignment of claims that you need to print instead of sending electronically.

To make changes, click (top right)

For more information about making adjustments, review our article on Printing Claims: Alignment.

Claim Insurance Settings

These fields are for claim settings for insurance companies specific to that provider.

To reveal expired insurance companies, click (top right).

To adjust insurance company settings, click on either the Insurance Company name (left), or click (far right) shown below:

Once clicking on an insurance company, make the necessary changes, scroll down to the bottom and click (bottom right).

Calendar Settings

Send Birthday Emails

  • Gives you the option to (automatically) send a friendly birthday message to clients 🎂
  • We also notify you via your messages for any that we do send out
  • Can be configured to:
    • Do not send
    • Only active and new status clients
    • All status clients
For more information, review our article on the birthday emails feature.

Session Settings

  • This is used with the Today or Autopilot view exclusively
  • A chime at the start and end of session can be configured here

Appointment Settings

This is for miscellaneous defaults, including:

  • The timeframe clients can cancel their appointments via the portal
    • This is tied to the Client Portal Settings above
    • If enabled, clients won't be given the option to cancel their appointment within the timeframe
  • Default reminder interval (days)
    • Used when creating new clients for reminders
    • Reminders are configured automatically to request confirmation

Permissions & Roles

Supervisors & Supervisees

  • At the top, we list any supervisor for the provider
  • Beneath, you can configure who this provider will be supervising (supervisees)
For more information about this process, review our article on the supervision function here.

Roles (Permissions)

This is where an owner or manager can manage roles for staff members. To access, go to:
  • Practice Settings (left menu)
  • Click Staff (top tab)
  • Click on the providers name bringing you to their profile
  • Find the Roles section
For more information about this process, review our article on adding & managing staff & roles.

Data Export & Import

We have two articles about these features:

Account Information



  • Listed is the username and password creation date
  • Here staff can change their own username
  • Owners and Managers, and Providers themselves can use the password reset option as well

For more information about viewing login history details, please review our article here.

Two-Factor Authentication

  • Here you can review and configure two factor settings
  • Set up, turn off, or change your phone number
For more information about this process, review our article on Two-Factor Authentication.

Billing Plan

Note: this feature is only visible to Owners.
  • Here we list your billing details with us as well as billing history
Please review this article for information about viewing your billing history with us.

Credit Cards

Note: this feature is only visible to Owners.
  • Here we list the cards on file you have with us
  • We attempt to charge whichever card is marked as the default (check mark ✔️)
For more information about this process, review our article on how to update your credit card.

Service Agreements

  • Listed here are your service agreements with TherapyAppointment, available for you at any time:
    • Terms of Service
    • Business Associate Agreement (BAA)
  • To view either document, click (far right)
    • From there, you can either print or download the PDF to your local device